We have completed numerous planning and design projects involving water storage, transmission and distribution systems. Services include site and alignment investigations, failure analyses, hydraulic and pipe condition investigations, trench stability and support, seismic analyses, jacking pit design, dewatering, tunneling, horizontal directional drilling, and micro-tunneling.
On behalf of our clients, the water resources practice has planned, arranged financing for, designed and managed the construction of water supply projects delivering well over two million acre-feet of water to over 650,000 acres of land in the western U.S. and abroad. The projects, valued at over $700 million, include thousands of miles of pressure pipelines and concrete-lined canals, and more than 150 pumping plants.

Canals are the primary structural element for the majority of large-scale water conveyance systems. Most modern canals are concrete-lined earth channels conveying large water quantities at relatively low velocities. The concrete lining improves hydraulic capacity while simultaneously limiting water loss through seepage. Canals are the most cost-effective means of transporting large water quantities. Having designed over 1,000 miles of canal structures, GEI has extensive, relevant and recent experience in canal design and construction management, earning some of our staff international recognition for their work.

Having designed well over 1,000 miles of pressure pipelines, GEI has extensive experience in all geotechnical, structural and environmental aspects of pipeline route selection, design and construction. Evaluation, permitting, planning, design and construction of water supply pipelines are one of the cornerstones of our water resources practice. Our staff are familiar with the design and performance of steel, concrete, ductile iron, and PVC pipe. We have experience with the selection and design of pipe jacking, micro-tunneling and horizontal directional drilling for installation of pipelines beneath highways, rivers and wetlands and through congested or contaminated areas.

Reservoirs & Dams
Dams are usually associated with the benefits they bring from water supply and power generation. Those benefits are often the most important factors; however, most of the nation’s—and the world’s—largest dams are multi-purpose projects featuring flood control as a major component of the design and operation. In fact, the financial feasibility of most U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ (USACE) dams is based on the flood control protection that will be achieved.