As the demand for water increases, the value and competition for this vital resource also increases. Water managers need a high level of expertise to make decisions that will provide long-term, reliable and cost-effective water supply solutions for their customers. GEI’s knowledge and experience in hydrology, water resource engineering, water rights, groundwater management and water policy provide our clients with exceptional services in water management.
GEI provides water management consultation services to local water districts, irrigation districts, cities, counties and state and federal clients. Our water management expertise derives from our years of experience facing challenges unique to the arid western U.S. This allows GEI to assist clients in meeting current and future water needs by providing effective, workable solutions that satisfy the technical, institutional, regulatory, economic and environmental challenges facing water managers today.

Water Supply and Use Planning
GEI has a broad base of capabilities in the planning, design, and construction management of municipal water supply, and distribution systems. GEI has designed and implemented water supply master plans for urban and rural areas, including cities, special districts, planned communities, and resort areas. Beginning with land use and water consumption analyses, our master plans incorporate sophisticated demand projections, integrated water conservation and wastewater recycling technologies, system modeling, hydrologic modeling, water supply source quality and reliability analyses, operational studies and water treatment costs.

Integrated Planning
The ability of water purveyors to meet their agricultural, municipal and industrial water needs has always been dependent on highly variable climatic conditions and changing demand. GEI’s water resources engineers are experienced in helping water managers develop integrated regional water management plans to address water management challenges in an efficient and effective manner, allowing them to continue to provide safe, dependable and economical water supplies to customers.

Water Quality
As state and federal oversight of water quality increases, it is important for water suppliers and dischargers to apply cost-effective approaches in compliance with water quality regulations. GEI’s approach to regulatory compliance rests on firm understanding of regulatory requirements, development of a comprehensive, scientifically sound understanding of the discharger’s facilities and operations, formulation of a compliance program that satisfies regulatory objectives and clear communications with the discharger and the regulating agency.

Conjunctive Reuse
Conjunctive management is the coordinated use of available surface water and groundwater supplies to meet water demands and increase water supply reliability. Developing a conjunctive management plan is complex and includes considering surface water and groundwater hydrology, water demand characteristics, water quality, surface and underground storage capacities, conveyance capacity, capital and operation and maintenance (O&M) costs and agency powers. GEI’s conjunctive management planning efforts have rewarded our clients with increased water supply reliability, reduced costs and improved financial positions.