Ronald Bourne, P.E.
Vice PresidentWith over 40 years associated with waterfront facilities, Ron Bourne has extensive experience in the planning and design of waterfront and coastal facilities. The specialization of Ron’s experience has been on public sector waterfront projects but also includes private commercial and industrial waterfront industries. Specific areas of effort include performance of planning, feasibility studies, operational analysis, facility layout and design, meeting of ADA access requirements and obtainment of regulatory approvals. Ron’s experience has included work on numerous projects along the East Coast of the United States as well as on the Great Lakes as well as outside North America including major projects in Bermuda, Cape Verde, and Saudi Arabia.
Ron’s experience includes investigation and assessment of waterfront structures including assessment of and protection from deteriorating impacts of marine borer attack, rot, corrosion, and premature concrete deterioration. Waterfront facility designs include use of stone, timber, concrete, aluminum, and steel. Design projects include piers, wharves, bulkheads, vessel berthing facilities, passenger and vehicle ferry landings, marinas, shore protection, and dredging. Facilities designed by Ron range from small boat facilities (boat ramps, marinas, and fish piers) to large vessel docking facilities for cargo transfer including petroleum, salt, timber products, and new Panamax container facilities as well as shiplift /drydock systems, and ship landside transfer systems.
Ron has been intimately involved in the regulatory approval process throughout New England and how it relates and is applied to waterfront facilities. The understanding of the regulatory process and the knowledge of the approval process required has allowed Ron to develop strategies that can expedite projects and ensure implementation to obtain overall project success.
Ron has an MBA from Northeastern University and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Vermont.

Franklin, Massachusetts
- Licensed Professional Engineer: CT, MA, NY, VT
- American Society of Civil Engineers, Member
- Boston Society of Civil Engineers Section, Member
- Propeller Club of the Port of Boston, Member
- Society of Naval Architects and Marine Engineers, Member
- Production of multiple technical papers on waterfront issues